Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Carnival #153

It is Tuesday, and that means carnival time! This week the carnival can be found at Glory in the Clutter. Here are a few of my favorites this week.

Homemade Dehydrator
This is such a clever idea. For almost nothing Penniless Parenting created a food dehydrator. If I didn't already have one to use, I would definitely be looking at making something like this.

Peanut Buttah Cupcakes
Peanut butter cupcakes with peanut butter cream cheese frosting?! Oh I will be trying these!

Cocoa Banana Nut Bread
I love banana nut bread, but it could only be better with cocoa in it.

Be sure to check the entire carnival at Glory in the Clutter. Get your submissions in by Sunday to be included in next week's carnival that will be hosted right here at Make it from Scratch!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stephanie, I had my entry in by Sunday but still wasn't included in the carnival. I had a good MIFS too! :(


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